Graded Care Profile 2
Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) provided by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) was developed by Dr Srivastava, a Consultant Paediatrician, following his research at the University of Nottingham in 1995.
GCP2 is an evidence-based assessment tool for measuring the quality of care provided by a parent or carers in meeting their child’s needs. The tool uses a graded scale from 1 to 5 by capturing levels of physical and emotional care through the eyes of the child.
Do you work with children and families in their home environment? Book your free Graded Care Profile 2 training now.
Free Graded Care Profile 2 Masterclass available now
Child Neglect Screening Tool
Designed for non-Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) licenced practitioners
This Screening Tool should be used in all cases where neglect is suspected and will aid practitioners in deciding whether a Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) tool should be completed. The tool is intended for practitioners working with children and families in all partner agencies to quickly identify areas of concern which may indicate a child/young person is being neglected.
Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board Neglect Screening Tool
GCP2 and Early Years.
Discover more about how you can work with other agencies to complete this tool, for example a health visitor may complete the home visits and the setting contributes to the rest.
Watch here to find out more GCP2: How We Spot Neglect – YouTube
NSPCC Learning for more information about GCP2
Spotlight on Neglect
Child neglect is still very much with us in 2015, and it is taking a massive human and economic toll. Across the UK, we know that far too many childhoods are terribly damaged by neglect, very often because parents are facing problems that they can’t solve alone, and may even have given up
on things ever improving. But child neglect is preventable – not inevitable.
This Spotlight report examines what we can all do earlier to prevent neglect causing children lasting
harm and disrupting family life. We provide the evidence for more hopeful messages.
NSPCC case studies explain the multi-faceted benefits of GCP2 in a multi-agency environment.
Do you have any case studies or learning from assessments you can share with us.