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SSCB Learning from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews

Date: Wednesday, 03rd Jul 2024 | Category: General


Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews are conducted by the Board following a Serious Incident Notification, when a child dies or is seriously harmed in circumstances where abuse or neglect are known or suspected, and an initial Rapid Review where a desision is made to conduct a more in-depth review to establish further learning to improve systems and process and ensure better outcomes for children.

Learning for all agencies is paramount from these reviews in order to effect change, so what’s new for you:

Probation service, PPRC and levels of risk

Understanding the work of the Probation Service, Person Posing a Risk to Children (PPRC) and levels of risk that perpetrators pose is a common theme in three of our current reviews. The probation service delivered a series of training events and for those that couldnt attend they have provided a webinar of the course free to watch by all multi-agency childrens workforce.  Access the webinar here

Non-accidental Injuries – Abusive Head Trauma

The Board have invested in two short videos focusing on ICON abusive head trauma. The videos Never Ever Shake a Baby – Morning at Home Staffordshire and Never Ever Shake a Baby – Home from Work Staffordshire are available free to download. The video are only 90 seconds long and perfect for team meetings, supervision and CPD. Share the links with your colleagues and families.

Intra-familial Child Sexual Abuse

Intra-familial child sexual abuse refers to child sexual abuse (CSA) that occurs within a family environment. Perpetrators may or may not be related to the child. The key consideration is whether the abuser feels like family from the child’s point of view. Do you feel confident, knowledgeable and prepared to respond to a child disclosing child sexual abuse in the home environment. Access free training through the Centre of Expertise in child Sexual Abuse here

Coming soon, SSCB Intra-familial child sexual abuse training from the Board, more news to follow in the next edition of this newsletter.

Supporting children and young people with Epilepsy

The Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Child Death Overview Panel in conjunction with the Board have developed a 7-minute-briefing for practitioners on supporting children and young people with epilepsy. Epilepsy is relatively common in children, and many will outgrow the condition before their teens. In some cases, medication can easily control seizures while other children may experience lifelong challenges with seizures.  Download your quick referral guide here.

Listening to the voice of the child

Early years settings in conjunction with the Board have now updated the free ‘With or Without Words’ eLearning available to everyone. Listening to the voice of the child and really understanding their daily lived experience is essential when working with children and families especially in the very young.

Book your free eLearning here

Information sharing and consent

Staffordshire Safeguarding Partners Information Sharing Agreement covers the sharing of personal and special category data about children to ensure effective systems are in place to protect children from abuse and to prevent impairment to children’s health and development. The Partnership Information Sharing Agreement is available on the Boards website here. 

The Information Sharing Advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services for children, young people, parents and carers published by the Department for Education contains the seven golden rules of consent for everyone.