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Operation Encompass – Impact Report

Date: Monday, 24th Jun 2024 | Category: General

Operation Encompass has been placed in statute and is now a legal requirement for all Police Forces in England and Wales.

On 23rd April 2024 in the House of Lords, Operation Encompass was tabled as an amendment to the Victims and Prisoners Bill. At that time there was no indication as to when the Bill would gain Royal Assent and become an Act. When the Prime Minister set a date for a snap general election in May this year, there were concerned that the Bill may falter. However, the Victims and Prisoners Bill was included in the government ‘wash-up’, meaning that, time permitting, the Bill would progress through both ‘Houses’ and become law prior to the ceasing of  Parliament in the run up to the general election.

Operation Encompass is a long standing proven police and education information sharing safeguarding partnership enabling immediate support to be given to children experiencing domestic abuse.

In response to this news, Detective Chief Superintendent of Staffordshire Police Public Protection Unit Colin Mattinson said:

“We have been employing Operation Encompass in Staffordshire since its inception and absolutely recognise the importance of working in partnership to ensure that children are kept safe. We recognise the wider benefit that this will bring now for all areas across the country to be working consistently”.

Read the full report here